- February 2025
Nearly half (48%) of Fall 2024 new transfer students graduated with an associate’s degree in the previous year.
- January 2025
Retention rates for Hispanic students has increased from 71% in Fall 2020 to 77% in Fall 2024.
- December 2024
20% of ODU's undergraduate completers pursue further study within 1 year after graduating, up from 18% last year.
- November 2024
83% of new transfer students who enrolled in fall 2023 completed their first year in good academic standing.
- October 2024
59% of Transfer students graduate from ODU within 6 years
- September 2024
During the 2023-24 academic year, ODU conferred 117 bachelor’s degrees in computer science, with 65% of those degrees awarded to transfer students.
- August 2024
61% New transfer students in Fall 2023 came from Virginia public community colleges.
- July 2024
International student enrollment in ODU’s doctoral computer science program more than doubled in the last 5 years.
- June 2024
Approximately 85% of all bachelor's degree recipients in 2022-2023 academic year were from under-represented populations as defined by SCHEV.
- May 2024
Approximately 80% of all new transfer students to ODU are retained to the next Fall term.
- April 2024
18.5% of graduates who received Bachelor's degrees in 2020-21 went on to pursue further study within one year of graduation.
- March 2024
The Student-Faculty Ratio in Fall 2023 has improved to 15:1 compared to last year's 16:1.
- February 2024
International enrollment in graduate engineering and computer science, in fall 2023, was led by India with 147 students, greater than the 146 students in the next 11 countries combined (Bangladesh, China, Iran, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Ghana, Turkey, Nepal, Nigeria, Egypt, and Colombia).
- January 2024
Nearly 1/3 of Fall 2023 undergraduate students were military affiliated.
- December 2023
33% of all undergraduate degrees awarded in 2022-23 academic year were awarded to first generation students.
- November 2023
The Fall 22 to Fall 23 retention rate increased to 81% compared to last year's 78% for new transfer students.
- October 2023
For the incoming Freshmen class, the average high school GPA rose to 3.46 compared to last year's 3.4.
- September 2023
From 2021-22 to 2022-23, ODU had an increase of 8.2% in master's degree production.
- August 2023
Over the past five years, the Student-Faculty Ratio improved from 18:1 to 16:1.
- July 2023
From Fall 2017 to Fall 2022, ODU had an increase of 19% in minority instructional faculty.
- June 2023
In Fall 2022, over 70% of all students at ODU were enrolled in at least one online course.
- May 2023
Over the past two years, ODU has experienced an 18% growth in under-represented women enrollment in STEM disciplines.
- April 2023
Eight in every 10 new graduate students complete degree requirements within eight years.
- March 2023
The average GPA of freshman after completion of their first year has increased to 3.22 for Fall 2021 cohort compared to 2.44 for Fall 2020 cohort.
- February 2023
The average ODU fall graduate assistantship stipend increased by seven percent from 2021 to 2022.
- January 2023
ODU serves the fifth highest number of students receiving GI Bill benefits in the country.
- December 2022
One in every three graduate students enrolled at ODU in Fall 2022 is enrolled in a STEM program, an increase of 5% in five years.
- November 2022
26% of all students enrolled at ODU in Fall 2022 are affiliated with the military.
- October 2022
Nearly half (N=11,082, 48%) of all students served by ODU in Fall 2022 are residents of Hampton Roads.
- September 2022
One in every four bachelor's degree recipients at ODU in the 2021-22 award year (N=978, 27%) was affiliated with the military.
- August 2022
One in every three undergraduates who completed a bachelor's degree at ODU in 2021-2022 is a first-generation college student.
- July 2022
ODU increased its master's degree production by 4% from 2020-21 award year.
- June 2022
The number of graduate applications at ODU increased from 3,932 to 4,215 (7%) from the 2020 to the 2021 academic year.
- May 2022
ODU increased its doctoral degree production from 126 in 2010-2011 to 150 in 2020-2021, a 20% growth.
- April 2022
42% of all new transfer students enroll with a completed Associate's Degree.
- March 2022
43 of the seniors enrolled at ODU in Fall 2021 continued their education at a graduate level in Spring 2022.
- February 2022
93% of first-time full-time degree seeking freshmen receive some sort of grant aid.
- January 2022
Nearly 80% of all full-time instructional faculty at ODU have terminal degrees.
- December 2021
40% of all new transfer students in Fall 2021 have received an Associate's degree prior to enrolling at ODU.
- November 2021
Degree-seeking non-resident alien undergraduate students enrolled at ODU in Fall 2021 represent 56 foreign countries.
- October 2021
Over 31% of all students enrolled in STEM majors at ODU in Fall 2021 are women.
- September 2021
20% of all degrees awarded by ODU in the 2020-21 academic year were issued to first-generation students.
- August 2021
During the 2020-21 academic year, ODU awarded 3,932 bachelors' degrees, an increase of 2.5% from the previous academic year.
- July 2021
Nine of the 2019-20 doctoral degree recipients were first-generation students.
- June 2021
In 2019-20, ODU awarded the second highest number of STEM-H bachelor's degrees as percent of total 4-year degrees among Virginia doctoral institutions.
- May 2021
More than half of all new transfer students graduate from ODU within 4 years.
- April 2021
34% of all undergraduate students attending ODU in Spring 2021 are first-generation college students.
- March 2021
Undergraduate degree production among historically underserved Virginia students at ODU increased from 2,627 in 2018-2019 to 3,403 in 2019-2020, an increase of 30% in one year.
- February 2021
During 2019-2020 academic year, in the field of Data Science-related programs, ODU awarded 47 of the total 49 bachelor's degrees in the Commonwealth in Computer and Information Systems Security, Auditing, and Information Assurance.
- January 2021
53% of all first-time, full-time freshmen graduate from ODU with their bachelor's degree within 6 years.
- December 2020
During the Fall 2020 academic term, international students at ODU represent 94 countries.
- November 2020
Nearly half (48%) of all first-time freshmen enrolled at ODU in Fall 2020 represent first-generation students.
- October 2020
71% of all undergraduate degrees awarded to ODU students during 2019-2020 academic year are in STEM disciplines.
- September 2020
50% of all new freshmen at ODU are first generation college students.
- August 2020
44% of all undergraduate degrees awarded in the 2019-20 academic year represent STEM-H.
- July 2020
Nearly one in every three undergraduate completers at ODU is receiving Pell award.
- June 2020
17% of students who completed their undergraduate degrees at ODU during the 2018-19 academic year enrolled in graduate programs within one year of graduation.
- May 2020
Over the past 5 years, ODU has increased the number of academic staff by 15%.
- April 2020
53% of new active military students at ODU graduate within six years.
- March 2020
Over the past 10 years, the retention rate among female students pursuing STEM degrees at ODU increased by 3%, reaching 82.1% for the Fall 2018 cohort.
- February 2020
The number of first-time, full-time freshmen eligible for Pell grant aid has increased by 37% over the past five years.
- January 2020
Nearly 42% of all undergraduate students attending ODU in 2018-2019 received the Pell grant.
- December 2019
Approximately 18% of all undergraduates at ODU enroll exclusively in online courses, compared to 2% at other Virginia public doctoral institutions.
- November 2019
Fall 2019 international undergraduate students at ODU represent 62 foreign countries, an increase from 59 last fall.
- October 2019
Nearly 44% of all bachelor's degrees awarded by ODU during the 2018-19 academic year were in STEM-H disciplines, compared to 36% for all Virginia public four-year institutions.
- September 2019
16% of all bachelor's degrees awarded during the most recent academic year were granted to undergraduate students enrolled exclusively online.
- August 2019
ODU increased the number of students pursuing doctoral degrees by almost 2% in just one year, reaching 1,353 doctoral students in Fall 2018.
- July 2019
54% of students who had military affiliation at the time of enrollment completed their bachelor's degree within 6 years.
- June 2019
57% of all students with military ties graduate within six years.
- May 2019
Almost 90% of undergraduate completers in the 2017-2018 academic year were residents of Virginia.
- April 2019
63.86% of all student athletes who first enrolled at ODU as full-time freshmen in Fall 2012 graduated within 6 years.
- March 2019
Almost half (45%) of all first-time, full-time students at ODU received Federal financial aid during academic year 2017-2018.
- February 2019
Over half of all students (53%) who completed their undergraduate studies at ODU in the 2017-18 academic year participated in an internship opportunity.
- January 2019
ODU has increased its Hispanic enrollment by 23% in the most recent five years.
- November 2018
The percentage of new freshmen who are African-American rose from 30.7% in Fall 2013 to 42.0% in Fall 2018.
- October 2018
In the past 5 years, ODU added 10 new online programs, increasing the number to a total of 49 in Fall 2018.
- September 2018
Over the past five years, ODU has increased its doctoral degree production by 21.6%.
- August 2018
Over the past 10 years, ODU has more than doubled the number of education specialist (Ed.S.) degrees awarded.
- July 2018
Over half of all undergraduate students have also taken some coursework at Virginia two-year institutions prior to enrolling at ODU.
- June 2018
76% of students enrolled at ODU have also taken some coursework at a two-year institution.
- May 2018
Approximately 44% (N=1694) of ODU graduates pursue another degree within five years of graduating, and of these, nearly half (N=692, 18%) return to ODU for another academic credential.
- April 2018
Over half (N=11,833; 53%) of all students enrolled at ODU in Spring 2018 (N=22,272) take a combination of online and face-to-face courses, and of those, approximately half (N=5,326; 51%) are taking their courses exclusively online.
- March 2018
In Fall 2017, ODU enrolled the highest number of African American students among all public non-HBCU 4-year institutions in Virginia.
- February 2018
60% of full-time female undergraduates who enrolled at ODU for the first time in Fall 2011 graduated within six years.
- January 2018
During the most recent 10 years, ODU has nearly doubled the number of in-state applications received.
- December 2017
For the 5th year in a row, ODU has ranked in the top 50 Best Colleges by Military Times.
- November 2017
Approximately one in every four enrolled undergraduates (N=4828) lives in a residence hall on campus.
- October 2017
Almost half of all students enrolled at ODU in Fall 2017 (48%) take at least one online course.
- September 2017
44% of all undergraduate degrees awarded in 2016-2017 were in STEM or Health-related fields, an increase of 2% compared to the previous academic year.
- August 2017
1,202 of all degrees awarded during the 2016-2017 academic year were in STEM or related discipline, an increase of 1% from the previous academic year.
- July 2017
Relative to overall freshmen enrollment, the percentage of underrepresented minority freshmen increased by 7% over the most recent five years.
- June 2017
In the most recent reporting year (2015-2016), ODU's undergraduate STEM-H degree production as percent of total bachelors' degrees awarded (42%) exceeded the state average of 34%.
- May 2017
Over the most recent five years, ODU has increased the enrollment of African American students by 13%.
- April 2017
Over 77% of all full-time degree seeking students who are Virginia residents and first enrolled at ODU in Fall 2015 returned in Fall 2016.
- March 2017
In Fall 2016, ODU achieved a student to faculty ratio of 18:1.
- February 2017
Over the past five years, ODU has increased degree production in STEM disciplines from 35% to 42%.
- January 2017
55% of all new transfer students who enrolled at ODU in the 2010-2011 academic year graduated within four years.
- December 2016
69% of all students entering ODU in 2010-11 either graduated within 6 years or are continuing their enrollment at ODU.
- November 2016
ODU has been ranked as one of the top 25 best value colleges for a master's in education online degree.
- October 2016
ODU has increased its degree production by 17% over the past 5 years, awarding a total of 5,404 credentials across all academic levels during the most recent academic year.
- September 2016
For the first time, ODU has been listed as a top tier institution in the 2017 US News and World Report ranking of "Best Colleges."
- August 2016
25% of ODU students complete their first undergraduate degree within four years, compared the national average of 23%.
- July 2016
79% of the full-time students with military ties who enrolled at ODU in Fall 2014 returned the following fall.
- June 2016
Over the most recent 10 years, retention rates among first-time freshmen students at ODU increased by 6%.
- May 2016
Approximately one in every three students at ODU (28.2%) is majoring in a STEM discipline.
- April 2016
Over half of all courses (56%) offered during Fall 2015 semester enrolled fewer than 30 students.
- March 2016
Almost half (48%) of all students enrolled at ODU during Spring 2016 are residents of Hampton Roads.
- February 2016
Of the students who graduated from ODU with a bachelor's degree during 2014-15 academic year, as many as 270 (7%) went directly to a graduate or professional school.
- January 2016
53% of first-time, full-time degree seeking freshmen at ODU graduate in six years, an increase of 4% since 2012.
- December 2015
In the Fall 2015 Old Dominion had 244 new transfer students from other 4-year institutions in Virginia, an increase of 9% over Fall 2014.
- November 2015
ODU has a 3-year average of 36.8% minority faculty compared to 23.5% for VA 4-year public peers and 26.8% for IPEDS national peers.
- October 2015
On average, an undergraduate student at ODU completes a program of study with $25,884 in debt, which is below the state average of $26,497. Detailed tables of student debt by program area are available here.
- September 2015
During 2014-2015 academic year undergraduate completers at ODU had an overall GPA of 3.12, with the highest values associated with graduates in Nursing (3.64, N=202) for large programs of 100 or more, and Dental Hygiene (3.44, N=46) for medium programs of at least 15 graduates.
- August 2015
During the 2014-15 academic year STEM-H degrees accounted for 41% of all degree production at Old Dominion University, an increase of 5% in five years.
- February 2025
Nearly half (48%) of Fall 2024 new transfer students graduated with an associate’s degree in the previous year.
- January 2025
Retention rates for Hispanic students has increased from 71% in Fall 2020 to 77% in Fall 2024.
- December 2024
20% of ODU's undergraduate completers pursue further study within 1 year after graduating, up from 18% last year.
- November 2024
83% of new transfer students who enrolled in fall 2023 completed their first year in good academic standing.
- October 2024
59% of Transfer students graduate from ODU within 6 years
- September 2024
During the 2023-24 academic year, ODU conferred 117 bachelor’s degrees in computer science, with 65% of those degrees awarded to transfer students.
- August 2024
61% New transfer students in Fall 2023 came from Virginia public community colleges.
- July 2024
International student enrollment in ODU’s doctoral computer science program more than doubled in the last 5 years.
- June 2024
Approximately 85% of all bachelor's degree recipients in 2022-2023 academic year were from under-represented populations as defined by SCHEV.
- May 2024
Approximately 80% of all new transfer students to ODU are retained to the next Fall term.
- April 2024
18.5% of graduates who received Bachelor's degrees in 2020-21 went on to pursue further study within one year of graduation.
- March 2024
The Student-Faculty Ratio in Fall 2023 has improved to 15:1 compared to last year's 16:1.
- February 2024
International enrollment in graduate engineering and computer science, in fall 2023, was led by India with 147 students, greater than the 146 students in the next 11 countries combined (Bangladesh, China, Iran, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Ghana, Turkey, Nepal, Nigeria, Egypt, and Colombia).
- January 2024
Nearly 1/3 of Fall 2023 undergraduate students were military affiliated.
- December 2023
33% of all undergraduate degrees awarded in 2022-23 academic year were awarded to first generation students.
- November 2023
The Fall 22 to Fall 23 retention rate increased to 81% compared to last year's 78% for new transfer students.
- October 2023
For the incoming Freshmen class, the average high school GPA rose to 3.46 compared to last year's 3.4.
- September 2023
From 2021-22 to 2022-23, ODU had an increase of 8.2% in master's degree production.
- August 2023
Over the past five years, the Student-Faculty Ratio improved from 18:1 to 16:1.
- July 2023
From Fall 2017 to Fall 2022, ODU had an increase of 19% in minority instructional faculty.
- June 2023
In Fall 2022, over 70% of all students at ODU were enrolled in at least one online course.
- May 2023
Over the past two years, ODU has experienced an 18% growth in under-represented women enrollment in STEM disciplines.
- April 2023
Eight in every 10 new graduate students complete degree requirements within eight years.
- March 2023
The average GPA of freshman after completion of their first year has increased to 3.22 for Fall 2021 cohort compared to 2.44 for Fall 2020 cohort.
- February 2023
The average ODU fall graduate assistantship stipend increased by seven percent from 2021 to 2022.
- January 2023
ODU serves the fifth highest number of students receiving GI Bill benefits in the country.
- December 2022
One in every three graduate students enrolled at ODU in Fall 2022 is enrolled in a STEM program, an increase of 5% in five years.
- November 2022
26% of all students enrolled at ODU in Fall 2022 are affiliated with the military.
- October 2022
Nearly half (N=11,082, 48%) of all students served by ODU in Fall 2022 are residents of Hampton Roads.
- September 2022
One in every four bachelor's degree recipients at ODU in the 2021-22 award year (N=978, 27%) was affiliated with the military.
- August 2022
One in every three undergraduates who completed a bachelor's degree at ODU in 2021-2022 is a first-generation college student.
- July 2022
ODU increased its master's degree production by 4% from 2020-21 award year.
- June 2022
The number of graduate applications at ODU increased from 3,932 to 4,215 (7%) from the 2020 to the 2021 academic year.
- May 2022
ODU increased its doctoral degree production from 126 in 2010-2011 to 150 in 2020-2021, a 20% growth.
- April 2022
42% of all new transfer students enroll with a completed Associate's Degree.
- March 2022
43 of the seniors enrolled at ODU in Fall 2021 continued their education at a graduate level in Spring 2022.
- February 2022
93% of first-time full-time degree seeking freshmen receive some sort of grant aid.
- January 2022
Nearly 80% of all full-time instructional faculty at ODU have terminal degrees.
- December 2021
40% of all new transfer students in Fall 2021 have received an Associate's degree prior to enrolling at ODU.
- November 2021
Degree-seeking non-resident alien undergraduate students enrolled at ODU in Fall 2021 represent 56 foreign countries.
- October 2021
Over 31% of all students enrolled in STEM majors at ODU in Fall 2021 are women.
- September 2021
20% of all degrees awarded by ODU in the 2020-21 academic year were issued to first-generation students.
- August 2021
During the 2020-21 academic year, ODU awarded 3,932 bachelors' degrees, an increase of 2.5% from the previous academic year.
- July 2021
Nine of the 2019-20 doctoral degree recipients were first-generation students.
- June 2021
In 2019-20, ODU awarded the second highest number of STEM-H bachelor's degrees as percent of total 4-year degrees among Virginia doctoral institutions.
- May 2021
More than half of all new transfer students graduate from ODU within 4 years.
- April 2021
34% of all undergraduate students attending ODU in Spring 2021 are first-generation college students.
- March 2021
Undergraduate degree production among historically underserved Virginia students at ODU increased from 2,627 in 2018-2019 to 3,403 in 2019-2020, an increase of 30% in one year.
- February 2021
During 2019-2020 academic year, in the field of Data Science-related programs, ODU awarded 47 of the total 49 bachelor's degrees in the Commonwealth in Computer and Information Systems Security, Auditing, and Information Assurance.
- January 2021
53% of all first-time, full-time freshmen graduate from ODU with their bachelor's degree within 6 years.
- December 2020
During the Fall 2020 academic term, international students at ODU represent 94 countries.
- November 2020
Nearly half (48%) of all first-time freshmen enrolled at ODU in Fall 2020 represent first-generation students.
- October 2020
71% of all undergraduate degrees awarded to ODU students during 2019-2020 academic year are in STEM disciplines.
- September 2020
50% of all new freshmen at ODU are first generation college students.
- August 2020
44% of all undergraduate degrees awarded in the 2019-20 academic year represent STEM-H.
- July 2020
Nearly one in every three undergraduate completers at ODU is receiving Pell award.
- June 2020
17% of students who completed their undergraduate degrees at ODU during the 2018-19 academic year enrolled in graduate programs within one year of graduation.
- May 2020
Over the past 5 years, ODU has increased the number of academic staff by 15%.
- April 2020
53% of new active military students at ODU graduate within six years.
- March 2020
Over the past 10 years, the retention rate among female students pursuing STEM degrees at ODU increased by 3%, reaching 82.1% for the Fall 2018 cohort.
- February 2020
The number of first-time, full-time freshmen eligible for Pell grant aid has increased by 37% over the past five years.
- January 2020
Nearly 42% of all undergraduate students attending ODU in 2018-2019 received the Pell grant.
- December 2019
Approximately 18% of all undergraduates at ODU enroll exclusively in online courses, compared to 2% at other Virginia public doctoral institutions.
- November 2019
Fall 2019 international undergraduate students at ODU represent 62 foreign countries, an increase from 59 last fall.
- October 2019
Nearly 44% of all bachelor's degrees awarded by ODU during the 2018-19 academic year were in STEM-H disciplines, compared to 36% for all Virginia public four-year institutions.
- September 2019
16% of all bachelor's degrees awarded during the most recent academic year were granted to undergraduate students enrolled exclusively online.
- August 2019
ODU increased the number of students pursuing doctoral degrees by almost 2% in just one year, reaching 1,353 doctoral students in Fall 2018.
- July 2019
54% of students who had military affiliation at the time of enrollment completed their bachelor's degree within 6 years.
- June 2019
57% of all students with military ties graduate within six years.
- May 2019
Almost 90% of undergraduate completers in the 2017-2018 academic year were residents of Virginia.
- April 2019
63.86% of all student athletes who first enrolled at ODU as full-time freshmen in Fall 2012 graduated within 6 years.
- March 2019
Almost half (45%) of all first-time, full-time students at ODU received Federal financial aid during academic year 2017-2018.
- February 2019
Over half of all students (53%) who completed their undergraduate studies at ODU in the 2017-18 academic year participated in an internship opportunity.
- January 2019
ODU has increased its Hispanic enrollment by 23% in the most recent five years.
- November 2018
The percentage of new freshmen who are African-American rose from 30.7% in Fall 2013 to 42.0% in Fall 2018.
- October 2018
In the past 5 years, ODU added 10 new online programs, increasing the number to a total of 49 in Fall 2018.
- September 2018
Over the past five years, ODU has increased its doctoral degree production by 21.6%.
- August 2018
Over the past 10 years, ODU has more than doubled the number of education specialist (Ed.S.) degrees awarded.
- July 2018
Over half of all undergraduate students have also taken some coursework at Virginia two-year institutions prior to enrolling at ODU.
- June 2018
76% of students enrolled at ODU have also taken some coursework at a two-year institution.
- May 2018
Approximately 44% (N=1694) of ODU graduates pursue another degree within five years of graduating, and of these, nearly half (N=692, 18%) return to ODU for another academic credential.
- April 2018
Over half (N=11,833; 53%) of all students enrolled at ODU in Spring 2018 (N=22,272) take a combination of online and face-to-face courses, and of those, approximately half (N=5,326; 51%) are taking their courses exclusively online.
- March 2018
In Fall 2017, ODU enrolled the highest number of African American students among all public non-HBCU 4-year institutions in Virginia.
- February 2018
60% of full-time female undergraduates who enrolled at ODU for the first time in Fall 2011 graduated within six years.
- January 2018
During the most recent 10 years, ODU has nearly doubled the number of in-state applications received.
- December 2017
For the 5th year in a row, ODU has ranked in the top 50 Best Colleges by Military Times.
- November 2017
Approximately one in every four enrolled undergraduates (N=4828) lives in a residence hall on campus.
- October 2017
Almost half of all students enrolled at ODU in Fall 2017 (48%) take at least one online course.
- September 2017
44% of all undergraduate degrees awarded in 2016-2017 were in STEM or Health-related fields, an increase of 2% compared to the previous academic year.
- August 2017
1,202 of all degrees awarded during the 2016-2017 academic year were in STEM or related discipline, an increase of 1% from the previous academic year.
- July 2017
Relative to overall freshmen enrollment, the percentage of underrepresented minority freshmen increased by 7% over the most recent five years.
- June 2017
In the most recent reporting year (2015-2016), ODU's undergraduate STEM-H degree production as percent of total bachelors' degrees awarded (42%) exceeded the state average of 34%.
- May 2017
Over the most recent five years, ODU has increased the enrollment of African American students by 13%.
- April 2017
Over 77% of all full-time degree seeking students who are Virginia residents and first enrolled at ODU in Fall 2015 returned in Fall 2016.
- March 2017
In Fall 2016, ODU achieved a student to faculty ratio of 18:1.
- February 2017
Over the past five years, ODU has increased degree production in STEM disciplines from 35% to 42%.
- January 2017
55% of all new transfer students who enrolled at ODU in the 2010-2011 academic year graduated within four years.
- December 2016
69% of all students entering ODU in 2010-11 either graduated within 6 years or are continuing their enrollment at ODU.
- November 2016
ODU has been ranked as one of the top 25 best value colleges for a master's in education online degree.
- October 2016
ODU has increased its degree production by 17% over the past 5 years, awarding a total of 5,404 credentials across all academic levels during the most recent academic year.
- September 2016
For the first time, ODU has been listed as a top tier institution in the 2017 US News and World Report ranking of "Best Colleges."
- August 2016
25% of ODU students complete their first undergraduate degree within four years, compared the national average of 23%.
- July 2016
79% of the full-time students with military ties who enrolled at ODU in Fall 2014 returned the following fall.
- June 2016
Over the most recent 10 years, retention rates among first-time freshmen students at ODU increased by 6%.
- May 2016
Approximately one in every three students at ODU (28.2%) is majoring in a STEM discipline.
- April 2016
Over half of all courses (56%) offered during Fall 2015 semester enrolled fewer than 30 students.
- March 2016
Almost half (48%) of all students enrolled at ODU during Spring 2016 are residents of Hampton Roads.
- February 2016
Of the students who graduated from ODU with a bachelor's degree during 2014-15 academic year, as many as 270 (7%) went directly to a graduate or professional school.
- January 2016
53% of first-time, full-time degree seeking freshmen at ODU graduate in six years, an increase of 4% since 2012.
- December 2015
In the Fall 2015 Old Dominion had 244 new transfer students from other 4-year institutions in Virginia, an increase of 9% over Fall 2014.
- November 2015
ODU has a 3-year average of 36.8% minority faculty compared to 23.5% for VA 4-year public peers and 26.8% for IPEDS national peers.
- October 2015
On average, an undergraduate student at ODU completes a program of study with $25,884 in debt, which is below the state average of $26,497. Detailed tables of student debt by program area are available here.
- September 2015
During 2014-2015 academic year undergraduate completers at ODU had an overall GPA of 3.12, with the highest values associated with graduates in Nursing (3.64, N=202) for large programs of 100 or more, and Dental Hygiene (3.44, N=46) for medium programs of at least 15 graduates.
- August 2015
During the 2014-15 academic year STEM-H degrees accounted for 41% of all degree production at Old Dominion University, an increase of 5% in five years.